Friday 30 November 2012

Step One: Arm Yourself

Any good cook has a mountain of good cookbooks behind them.  But not all cookbooks are created equal...

My (always growing) collection.
When you're looking for a cookbook, don't just grab the first one that you see.  Pick one it...and read some of the recipes.  Make sure that these are recipes you want (and are able) to cook and that they require ingredients that you are able (and willing) to buy.

Not that there isn't a place for higher end cookbooks; I have a few myself.  But when you're just getting started, it's best to begin with the basics.  Look for general cookbooks that contain recipes of many different kinds: soups, salads, meat, fish, sides, dessert.  These are the cookbooks you will use the most often.

Here are some of my favourites...

1) The Good Housekeeping Cookbook
If the kitchen had a bible, it would be this or The Joy of Cooking.  This book contains everything you will need to know about has vocabulary, a guide to kitchen tools, a table of equivalent measures, planning tips, and more than 800 recipes that run that gambit from savory to sweet to drinkable.

2) The Best of Chef at Home (Chef Michael Smith)
The best thing about this cookbook is that it makes cooking a little less scary.  The recipes are basic, the ingredients are easy to find, and they all taste delicious.  Best of all, Chef Michael offers tips on how to freestyle some of the recipes (a great skill when you're just missing one ingredient and can't be bothered to go out and get it).

3) The Looneyspoons Collection
If you can get past the often corny titles, this cookbook offers tons of delicious recipes that are low in fat but high in flavour.  My favourite?  A bbq pork tenderloin that will change your life.......

4) The 300 Calorie Cookbook
Three hundred recipes under 300 calories each, with an entire section devoted to meals that take 30 minutes or less to prepare.  And it's not just salads....think burgers, pizza, pasta, and casseroles.  The ingredient choices are budget conscious, and all the recipes are easy to execute.  And excellent choice for someone who's just getting started on their culinary journey.

My (early) New Years Resolution.

I've been telling myself for some time that I want to write a cooking blog.

Good meals mean a lot to me.  But they don't have to be impossible to make, they don't require super expensive niche ingredients, and they don't have to be full of fat.  My goal here is to share some of my wisdom...easy, inexpensive recipes (as well as the occasional splurge worthy offering); but mostly the things I love that keep me in the kitchen day after day.

Happy reading!